
I’ve always loved classic adventure games! There are some great GDC videos on narrative in video games by Jon Ingold from inkle. The studio has developed a scripting language for branching narrative, called “ink”. The system is completely text-based, with a very lean C# API for Unity integration.

In this project, I explored ways to map the dialog / choice structure of an ink story file to a more interactive setting, with locations, actions, and objects. You can play the result, a miniature escape room style adventure, in any desktop browser by clicking on the image below:

click on the image to open the game in a new window – webgl-enabled browser required!

There isn’t that much gameplay, the software architecture implications are very interesting, though:

  • The game can be played entirely in text form – greatly simplifying automated tests.
  • Story and game logic are strictly separated from the visuals, akin to an MVC architecture:
    • The ink description is the model.
    • The view (game graphics) is updated from the model’s state.
    • Player actions are sent back to the model, which in turn updates to advance the story.
  • Completely text-based story content would allow for procedural generation, too.

The experiment had a big influence on designing the narrative backend(s) for my later projects Amy Shifts Gears and Amy’s World.

If you’re into it, here is a more detailed breakdown of the approach:

  • In ink, a game is constructed around pieces of content (text) presented to the player, and sets of choices to direct flow to other pieces of content.
  • Programming logic is provided to allow state tracking and flow control.
  • There are no concepts for “rooms”, “objects”, “containers”, or “actors”.

In “Escape”, I made extensive use of custom markup in the story file, for instance:

  • The choice [!push!button] will be presented as an action menu on the “button” object in the scene.
  • Location changes are mapped to choices: a choice with the !trigger! markup will be executed when the player enters the respective area in the scene.
  • The #player tag sends text to a thought balloon.
  • #cut sends text to a cut scene screen (at the beginning and end of the game)

Here is the complete ink file driving the game:

// items that can be picked up

LIST items = nothing, soap
VAR inventory = ()

// states

LIST playerState = walking, (inBed), soaked, soaped
LIST bedState = (down), up
LIST manholeState = (closed), open, examined
LIST showerState = (off), activated

// locations
LIST locations = (none), BED, CELL, SHOWER, SHAFT

VAR playerLocation = BED
VAR prevPlayerLocation = none

VAR bedItems = (BED)
VAR cellItems = (CELL)
VAR showerItems = (SHOWER, soap)
VAR shaftItems = (SHAFT)

-> hub

// functions for moving around

// did we enter location x for the first time?
=== function first(x) ===
~ return x == 1

// did we just enter the current location from somewhere else?
=== function enter ===
~ return prevPlayerLocation != playerLocation

=== function moveTo(x) ===
~ playerLocation = x

=== function removeItem(ref itemList, item) ===
~ itemList -= item

// pick up an item from current player location
=== function getItem(item) ===
{ playerLocation:
  - BED: ~removeItem(bedItems, item)
  - CELL: ~removeItem(cellItems, item)
  - SHOWER: ~removeItem(showerItems, item)
  - SHAFT: ~removeItem(shaftItems, item)
~ inventory += item

// main story hub, switching flow to the available locations

=== hub ===
{ playerLocation:
  - BED: <- bed(->hub)
  - CELL: <- cell(->hub)
  - SHOWER: <- shower(->hub)
  - SHAFT: <- shaft(->hub)
<- inventory_actions(->hub)
~ prevPlayerLocation = playerLocation


=== bed(->back) ===

The same dream, night after night.
A prison cell.
No way out.
One day after the other, your life passes by.
"Hope" is just a faint shadow of a word without meaning.
You awake from restless slumber...
(any key to start)
Zzzzz.... hrm?
Where am I?
How do I get out of here?

* [!anyaction!Get up] Ouch, my back! This "bed" is killing me. #player
  ~ moveTo(CELL)
- -> back
=== cell(->back) ===

+ [!trigger!shower]
* [!pull!bed]
  ~bedState = up
+ {bedState ? up && manholeState ? (closed,examined)} [!pull!grating]
  Uaarrggh! Heavy! #player
  ~manholeState = open
  -> examine_manhole
* (examine_manhole) {bedState ? up} [!examine!grating]
  {examine_manhole == 1 : {manholeState ? closed : The gutter, covered with a grating.|This shaft looks REALLY tight!}} #player
  ~manholeState += examined
+ {manholeState ? open} [!use!manhole]
  {playerState ? soaped:{Are you serious?? It stinks!|It still smells!|Ewww!}|It's too tight, I'll get stuck!}#player
  + + {playerState ? soaped} [!use!manhole]
      Aah, all right.
      Down the rabbithole! #player
  + + [!noaction!manhole] -> back
  - -
-> back

=== shaft(->back) ===
Carefully, you lower your soaked, soaped, slippery body down the hole, head first.
One last push, and off you go!
Holding your breath, you're hoping for the best.
Freedom, at last!
(any key to restart - but why would you?)

=== shower(->back) ===
{enter():{Take a shower, maybe?|}} #player

* [!examine!button] A big red button. #player
* [!push!button]
  ~ showerState = activated
  Yikes! #player
  Why didn't I undress first?
  ~ playerState = soaked
  * [!examine!soap] Disgusting.#player
    How can SOAP be so dirty?! 
  * [!get!soap] This slimy thing gives me the creeps. #player
  ~ getItem(soap)
+ [!trigger!leaveshower]
-> back
 === inventory_actions(->back)
 * {inventory ? soap && !(playerState ? soaked)} [!use!soap] It's too dry! #player
 + {inventory ? soap && playerState ? soaked} [!use!soap] Yay, foam bubbles! #player
 Hmmm - lavender?
    ~inventory -= soap
    ~playerState = soaped
 - ->back