Efficient Processing of Large 3D Meshes
Kolja Kähler, Christian Rössl, Robert Schneider, Jens Vorsatz and Hans-Peter SeidelIn: Proceedings of the International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, Genova, Italy, May, 7-11, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, 2001, 228-239
Shaping muscles for facial animation
Kolja Kähler, Jörg Haber and Hans-Peter SeidelIn: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Deformable Modeling and Soft Tissue Simulation 2001, Bonn, Germany, 2001Note: unlikely to appear after all this time
Linear Time Mesh Simplification with Reliable Error-Bounds
Jens Vorsatz, Kolja Kähler, Leif Kobbelt and Hans-Peter Seidel In: Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV-00), Saarbrücken, Germany, November 22-24, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka, Berlin, 2000, 145-152 vmv00.psDownload
Geometric Modeling Based on Polygonal Meshes
Leif Kobbelt, Stephan Bischoff, Mario Botsch, Kolja Kähler, Christian Rössl, Robert Schneider and Jens Vorsatz In: Tutorials of the European Association for Computer Graphics 21st Annual Conference (Eurographics-00), Interlaken, Switzerland, August 20-25, Eurographics, Aire-la-Ville, 2000, 1-47
Interaktive Manipulation von B-Spline-Flächen unter Verwendung der Wavelettransformation
Kolja Kähler Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Berlin, 1996. This text is in German. The original PostScript file is lost in the mists of time. I plan to recreate a PDF from the LaTeX sources.